40 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to describe the understanding of freshmen majoring in chemistry in naming simple compounds whether simple ionic compounds or covalent compounds. Data were collected from38 students of State University of Malang using a test conducted after they took Basic Chemistry I class. The test was designed in short answer test type in which they had to name the ionic and covalent compounds from their chemical formulas, and vice versa. The result showed that the students’ ability in naming several ionic and covalent simple compounds is greatly poor. Naming ionic compounds with polyatomic ions was considered much more difficult for several students. All in all, naming the binary ionic compound that contained metal that formed more than one type of positive ion and thus formed more than one type of ionic compound with a given anion was considered as the most difficult one. It meant that the basic chemistry class that had been took by the 1st year students did not increase their understanding significantly in naming simple compounds. The implication of this study wasthat the teaching strategy in Basic Chemistry I lecture must be optimized in order to increase students’ understanding on this topic well

    Reduksi Miskonsepsi Siswa Pada Materi Sifat Asam Basa Larutan Garam dengan Pembelajaran Learning Cycle-5E dan Mind-Mapping

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi sifat asam basa larutan garam melalui pembelajaran learning cycle-5E dan mind mapping (LC5E-MM). Penelitian ini melibatkan 50 siswa kelas XI MIPA pada salah satu SMA di Kota Malang yang terbagi dalam 2 kelas (eksperimen dan pembanding). Instrumen four tier digunakan untuk mengambil data reduksi miskonsepsi siswa yang diperoleh dari hasil pre-teast and post-test. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan LC5E-MM cukup efektif untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa tentang sifat asam basa larutan garam


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    The Course of Basic skills of teaching is provided to train chemistry education students in conducting an efficient and effective learning. These skills include set induction closure lesson skills and explaining skills. In the next globalization of education era, chemistry education students as the future chemistry teachers are expected to have a good skill in teaching in English. In fact, the limitations of their abilities and self-confidence to speak in English cause they did not apply the basic skills of teaching in English properly, especially when they have to explain chemistry concepts with analogies and told the interesting stories related to chemistry. To solve this problem, the design of learning to optimize student opportunities in practicing their speaking skills is the right solution. This learning design is called Board Game-Based Learning (BGBL). BGBL implementation is effective in improving students’ confidences in demonstrating their set induction closure lesson skills and explaining skills in teaching chemistry in English


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    This study aimed to describe the improvement of students’ learning outcomes using reciprocal teaching model. The improvement is measured based on the results of pre-test and posttest. 24 students of XI class at SMA Negeri 4 Wangi-Wangi taking sciences major participated in this study. This one group pre-test & post-test research design used an instrument (test) in the form of multiple-choice questions. The questions were constructed by considering the cognitive level in Bloom taxonomy. The study reveals that students’ improvement falls in the moderate category with the N-gain score of 0.69. The study also uncovered that students’ ability in answering questions decreases with the increase in the cognitive level of the question


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pemahaman konsep dan miskonsepsi siswa pada topik sifat asam basa larutan garam di Kota Blitar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 SMA Negeri di Blitar menggunakan instrumen soal four-tier yang terdiri dari 26 butir soal yang telah divalidasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 43,95% siswa memiliki pemahaman konsep yang kuat pada topik sifat asam basa larutan garam. Sejumlah siswa juga masih mengalami miskonsepsi pada subtopik jenis garam yang mengalami hidrolisis, sifat larutan garam, dan gambar mikroskopik larutan garam. Kesalahan siswa dalam menentukan sifat garam disebabkan oleh kesulitan dalam menentukan sifat komponen penyusun garam

    Chemistry Students' Mathematics Ability and Their Understanding of Buffer Solution

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    Mathematics's role in solving chemical phenomena has been well known. Basic mathematical operations such as integral, logarithm and differentiations are the tools for communicating chemistry concepts. This paper describes the effect of chemistry students' mathematical ability on understanding buffer solutions. 56 First-year university chemistry students at a public University in Malang, East Java, taking basic chemistry modules involved in this study. The respondents participated on a voluntary basis after getting a piece of comprehensive information about the study. An equivalent basic mathematical skill test (BMST) and Buffer Solution Test (BST) was implemented for data collection. This study found a positive correlation between students' mathematical ability and success in answering relevant buffer solution questions. The contribution of mathematical knowledge in predicting chemistry students' success in answering relevant buffer solution questions was also essentially high.            &nbsp

    Improving students' critical thinking skills using e-modules-contextual teaching and learning (CTL) on the interaction of living organisms with their environment

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    The ability to think critically is one of the 21st-century skills that students should master. Previous studies and international surveys such as PISA showed that the profile of Indonesian students' critical thinking skills is insufficient. This study developed e-modules based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the interaction of living organisms with their environment. The e-module was declared very feasible regarding its content, technological and assessment tools with 86.92%, 86.33%, and 93.5%, respectively. The readability test results by teachers and students were categorised as very feasible with 89,66 % and 88.08% percentages. The e-module was also tested empirically and demonstrated an improvement in students' understanding of the topic. The statistical procedures confirmed it, including the paired-sample t-test and the N-gain analysis

    Development of Guided Inquiry based E-Learning Teaching Material on the Intermolecular Forces Enriched with Molview

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    The intermolecular force is one of the chemistry topics covered in the high school curriculum in Indonesia. As the characteristics of chemistry concepts in general, intermolecular forces concepts can be presented in the three levels of chemical representations (microscopic, symbolic, and macroscopic).  Currently, chemistry teaching materials are available in Indonesian schools mostly have limited support for helping students to visualize the molecular aspect of intermolecular forces concepts mainly in the form of three-dimensional space (3D). This study aimed to produce an E-Learning teaching material enriched with 3D Molecular Visualization. The product (teaching material) in this study is presented by considering the syntax of guided inquiry-based learning. The product was developed with the procedure adopted from Lee and Owens, including assessment/analysis, need assessment, front-end analysis, design, and development. The product is valid and suitable to be applied in online chemistry teaching. However, further study to investigate the effectiveness of this product empirically need to be explored in the future

    Interactive Instructional: Theoretical Perspective and Its Potential Support in Stimulating Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

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    In this disruptive era, the success of teaching approaches that encourage students’ creativity and innovation is presented in students’ attained high-order thinking skills (HOTS). Consequently, the attainment of HOTS aids someone to avert negative things since they are capable of analyzing and evaluating their obtained information. Besides, HOTS also facilitates the process of students attaining knowledge, generating questions, properly interpreting information, and drawing a conclusion for an issue, with solid reasons, an open mind, and an effective means to communicate it. This article presents a theoretical study on the interactive instructional learning model and identifies its potential in accelerating students’ HOTS. It aims to introduce the interactive instructional model in chemistry learning. Further, this model can be adopted in a study with a more intensive evaluation of its empirical contribution to chemistry learning. The learning syntax for this model has been formulated for the Basic Chemistry Class 1.ReferencesBrookhart, S. M. (2010). How To Assess Higher Order thinking Skills in your classroom. Alexandria.Fearon, D. D., Copeland, D., & Saxon, T. F. (2013). The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Creativity in a Sample of Jamaican Children. Creativity Research Journal, 25(1), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2013.752287Ghani, I. . B. ., Ibrahim, N. ., Yahaya, N. ., & Surif, J. (2017). Enhancing students’ HOTS in laboratory educational activity by using concept map as an alternative assessment tool. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(4), 849–874. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7RP00120GHabiddin, H., & Page, E. M. (2020). Probing Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Using Pictorial Style Questions. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 39(2), 251–263. https://doi.org/10.20450/mjcce.2020.2133Habiddin, H., & Page, E. M. (2021). 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